Jamila Winter Nob 21, 2017
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Business checklist

These days almost every form of business especially small business relies on technology to maintain and improve their operation. However, keeping up with the fast pace of technological change can be especially difficult for the business owner. Therefore, already burdened with the numerous tasks required to keep his or her company afloat, day in day out.

See below for our top picks of small business technology. That will help you gain a competitive edge in 2018 and beyond.

Mobile is a ‘Must Have’

Perhaps no technology has gained greater adoption or grown more quickly than mobile. More than six billion people worldwide used at least one mobile device and this number is only expected to grow. Businesses should incorporate the use of mobile in three main ways: Website design, apps & payment.


Mobile friendly websites

Leading on from the above point, with more and more people accessing the web via mobile. Small businesses can no longer avoid making a mobile-friendly version of their website available to consumers for two reasons:

  • Search engines now offer mobile friendly websites with an increase in ranking;
  • Businesses that lack a mobile version of their website could lose business as consumers opt for those that do


Mobile Apps

In addition to mobile friendly websites having a well-developed and well-tested app is just as an effective marketing strategy that gets results.

Previously, mobile app development required someone with specialised skills. These days, platforms such as Microsoft PowerApps allow non-technical users to easily create mobile apps, so there is no excuse to do without this important technology.


Companies are switching to the cloud (and not coming back)

The use of on premise software and hardware is just as good as extinct for small business as the availability of cloud-based solutions such as Microsoft Office 365 are cheaper and more efficient. Cloud-based solutions offer greater scalability, security, efficiency and flexibility regarding access than any form of on premise solution.


Business Intelligence Brings Better Decision Making

BI provides the capability to track, store, process and analyse data which can lead to smarter decision making regarding cutting expenses, finding new business growth opportunities and improving overall performance.

Platforms like Microsoft Power BI makes garnering insights more affordable and makes it easier to harness the power of big data and predictive analysis.

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