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Tips for keeping your life organised

Being Organised Will Make Your Life Easier

Super organized people were not born organised people. They have cultivated their craft over multiple years with multiple failures. They have to cultivate healthy habits, which then help them to stay organised. See below for our essential list of 5 things to keep you organised.

1. Write Things Down at the Time

We all know someone that remembers every birthday and sends cards for every holiday. It's not magic and they don't use memorization. Trying to remember everything that crosses your path will not help you to get organised. So start writing things down somewhere you're going to remember. This can be on your laptop, phone or in a traditional moleskin notebook.

2. Schedule and Deadline

Organised people don't waste time. They recognise keeping things coordinated goes hand in hand with staying productive. Similarly, they make their goals and schedule in advanced and stay on plan during the day and the week. They set deadlines for the things that are important to them. By living a cluttered lifestyle, you will not have the time or space to make your deadlines or achieve your goals.

3. Delegate Responsibilities

A really organised life is not overfilled with responsibilities, meetings and deadlines. In fact it has less because things that create stress have been slowly coordinated out. Delegate the tasks others can complete well and free yourself to focus on the critical issues.

4. Work Hard and Know When to Rest

Put in a little effort. Actually, put in a lot of effort when necessary. Once you have delegated responsibilities and made a schedule, then you can coordinate what you have to do and when you can do it. Staying organised is not all a breeze. It requires that you work hard with the recognition that when you work harder, you can enjoy your clutter free personal and professional life later.

5. Follow a routine

Have a plan of what you need to get done and when you're going to check those items off your to-do-list. Sticking to a routine helps to automate tasks that need to get done - whether you dread them or not - because doing something every single day will make your brain happy and help to create good habits. Those tasks you always seem to procrastinate will now be so much easier to complete if you take thinking about it, out of the equation.

Try this out by making a general plan for the day and then sticking to it for the week.

Now, you are well on your way to becoming a more organized, balanced and generally happier person. Take your newfound time and invest it into one of our Excel courses

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