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Arc de Triomphe
3 Reasons to Learn a New Language

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

- Nelson Mandela

Through Nelson Mandela’s words of wisdom, he revealed the most important reason we should learn to speak a new language - to show respect for other people, their culture and their heritage.

Excel for Mac
5 Tips for Excel 2016 for Mac

If you are a Mac user and also delve into Excel then read on for some tips and tricks that could save you a ton of time!

The Secret to Good Negotiation
The Secret to Good Negotiation

Learn how to negotiate like a professional by reading this blog. Negotiation is an important part of your professional development.

2 simple ways to reduce anxiety

Here are two simple ways to stop worrying about the future and reduce your stress and anxiety today.

Excel training sessions
Excel Learning Journey

As a new member of the Nexacu team, I wanted to gauge my knowledge of Excel.  After attending Excel training sessions, I feel a lot more capable of professionally expressing content in spreadsheets but more practically it makes my everyday work so much easier!

VIew of Mountain Peak
Finding your why - 4 Questions

Many people know what they do and some even how they do it but not many people know why they do it. Finding your why and a clear sense of purpose enables you to focus your efforts on what matters most, compelling you to take risks and push forward regardless of the odds or obstacles.

Group By in Power Query
Using Group By in Power Query

Group By is an excellent feature in Power Query to group related rows by a column. This is useful when you have multiple entries for related rows and you want to combine them into one row based on a common attribute value.

Process Breeds Perfection
The 3 Secrets of Zanshin

The process that you follow determines the outcome. Zanshin is a word commonly used throughout Japanese martial arts to refer to a state of relaxed alertness. Literally translated, Zanshin means “the mind with no remainder.”

Seven identical doors
4 Ways To Make Better Decisions

Making sound decisions (especially if you’re under pressure) is a skill set that needs developing like any other. This is especially important for those who wish to reach leadership positions.

Face to face training benefits
Why Face-To-Face Training Still Reigns

Why exactly should you attend a face-to-face training, if there is a comprehensive online training? Read this blog to find out why.

The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary
5 Confidence Lessons - Harvey Specter

Speak with authority; your tone, pace and choice of language will increase your level of persuasion. Even if you’re not 100% confident you need to have 100% faith in yourself to make things happen.  Communication is power. Every time Harvey needs to make a strong point he stands. Move like Harvey Specter and you will be kicking goals in no time.


Positive written in scrabble pieces
5 Simple Steps To Build Confidence

In our professional lives and personal lives there will be times when we are forced to step outside of our comfort zones and look like we are doing great things to succeed.

Man looking at wall of images
Importance of Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence or BI is an umbrella term that includes the applications, tools, infrastructure and best practices. That enable access to an analysis of information to improve and optimise performance and decisions.

Street beggar with sign saying advice costs $0.50 and good advice costs $2.00
Importance of Professional Development

The ultimate outcomes of well-planned continuing professional development is that it safeguards the public, the employer, the professional and the professional’s career.



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