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Creating a Microsoft Forms
Forms is the sneaky tool you are yet to use

There’s no secret that Microsoft has a lot of applications within the Office 365 suite. However, Microsoft Forms allows you to accomplish things that other apps don’t such as quizzes, data recording and creating workflows.

Groups and Channels in Microsoft Teams

Understanding how teams, groups and channels all interact with each other in the Office 365 environment is at the very least confusing and often times frustrating. Check out our rundown below to get a better idea how all the pieces are meant to fit together.

Small business and the cloud infographic
Stay Competitive with the Cloud

The past 25 years has seen a progression of people needing to be in the office less and less. It’s no longer the only place where work can be done. Email has replaced the post room, mobiles have replaced fixed line phones, laptops have replaced desktops and all the while all of these options have become more accessible and more efficient.

Cloud computing is the obvious next step in this progression. With more businesses that are set up remotely, cloud computing allows companies the freedom to compete with larger organisations with less of the resources. Or rather, more efficient resources.

Watercolour picture of website designs
Understanding SharePoint Permissions

SharePoint permissions become important after you have created your first SharePoint site. With your new site you may want to provide or restrict user access to the site or its contents.

Remote Working
Why Remote Workers perform better

Office workers find it more difficult to concentrate at their desks. Read why companies are opting for remote work and how you can begin to start integrating it in your business today.

Create a flow from Excel
Microsoft Flow August Update

With the new August updates in Flow you can now create Flows directly from Excel. This is done with the new Flow button where you can create and trigger automations from Flow.


Power BI Integration with Office 365 Part II
Power BI Integration with Office 365 Part II

Following on from Tuesday's post we come with the second post of our Power BI Seamless Integration series. Last week we delved into Apps that provide information to Power BI and this week we will be delving into Apps that integrate directly with Power BI and how to deal with Administration.

Power BI Integration with Office 365 Part I
Power BI Integration with Office 365 Part I

For our next series on Power BI our trainer Matt has put together a comprehensive guide on seamless Power BI Integration with Office 365. So, this follows along from last weeks series on Power BI Dashboard creation. For example, using Power BI integrations with Office 365 you will be able to create more powerful data driven dashboards.

Power BI Creation Series - Episode 2
Power BI Creation Series - Episode 2

Matt has created an interactive dashboard showcasing our upcoming courses with a powerful filter technique. Learn how you can do the same.

power bi courses nexacu
Power BI Creation Series - Episode 1

Last week we created an interactive Power BI dashboard. As a result, we were able to use it to showcase our upcoming courses. Allowing anyone to filter the results based upon courses, locations and dates. We have received lots of questions about how we created the dashboard and this article will describe some key elements of the dashboard and how we created them.

Team at desk fist bump
Office 365 – What you need to know

Microsoft Office 365 in a general sense is an integrated platform of services. Read below for our take on the positives and negatives of Office 365.

Screenshot of Windows File Explorer
Office 365 Capabilities

With the constant updates and upgrades to the Office 365 platform it can be easy to lose touch with some of the most effective Office 365 capabilities. Here’s a rundown of some of our top Office 365 functionalities.

Screenshot of Teams
Adding Guests to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft teams now supports the functionality to add guests to Microsoft Teams accounts. This is a great addition to Microsoft Teams as it means that anyone with an email can participate as a guest in Teams.

Screenshot of SharePoint
Guide to less familiar Microsoft Products

Most people have heard of the core office products such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint. Today, we want to give you a flavour of the other applications we offer and regularly teach.



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